Thursday, December 6, 2012

Great day! with reteach

We finished our unit 4 before Thanksgiving break but had to wait till we got back to test per district testing calendar, well needless to say the test scores were not good at all. This unit was not flipped but the reteach kind of is. I grouped the questions by TEK and make videos for each and posted them together with other example questions for them to do on their own using on my Edmodo site. I'm really loving the show me app on my iPad, it's great for late night planning with videotaping. I gave them back their tests, asked them to get out a different colored pen and their math notebook. I told them to watch the video, if they think they understood and got the questions right then check the end of the video and move on to the practice problem. If they didn't get it, watch the video, correct the problems, and take any additional notes in their notebook about the topic. For example if they missed the question on slope, write how to find slope and what slope is in their notebook. They worked in partners, grouped by level, and worked at their own pace. They all were on task and seemed to be really liking this style.

We are doing this today as well, and anything they still don't get they can do tonight to help them for the retake tomorrow. They had one computer or macbook, some even used ipads or tablets per pair and I had them spread around the room which made it easier for me to walk around and assist them. The one thing I would say to improve this is having headphone splitters and extra sets of headphones, most kids have their own headphones and they'd share with their partner but if they didn't it made it hard to hear.

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