Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 1- Implementation

I have been trying and trying to implement the flipped model all year, but with a new curriculum and a new subject matter, and grad school...time wasn't my friend. so finally at the start of the 3rd six weeks I was ready. I emailed out a video and letter (I used one I found from ) to the parents introducing myself in video form and asking after they went through the video to answer a few questions on I was very surprised how few responses I got to the parent email. But I went ahead and the next day introduced it to the students. Again I borrowed Mrs. Kirch's video for students and showed mine most of it. I had edited her WSQ, and i explained how things were going to work in our class now. Most seemed to be excited about this. I explained to them how I would still be teaching them, but now in a more purposeful, efficient manner. I also told them how if they didn't do their traditional homework and they continue that pattern with not doing their new flipped homework that they'd still get the same results. There were some non-believers, and that's ok, I just tried to tell them how the benefits really will be benefits if they do their part.

I explained to them the stamp sheet they'd get would be to keep up with their completion and we modeled the first days notes together. There was some technical difficulty but I worked through them and explained how to take notes on their own.

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