Saturday, February 2, 2013


well after a successful day yesterday, today was more of a challenge...Day 1 since most had time to take part or all their notes in class most had them completed them so for day 1 of practice it was awesome to see them working and getting their questions answered. Today had just the opposite outcome, most didn't have their notes done. The students that did have their notes done did well and were able to do their assignments and finish it with no problems. My frustration lies with finding the right tool that motivates them to do their homework, whether it be traditional practice problems or taking notes. What makes this different from every other teacher in America?

Why? did I decide to flip my class again? I don't know if I can continue...maybe Monday will be better...

New Unit new hope....

Well, Unit 7 was short and kind of crazy. I was getting a little frustrated with the amount of people who weren't doing their notes on time. They only had 2 nights of notes over the course of 6 days. Course my own life was kind of crazy, I started my last semester of grad school-which means I started my last class on Tuesday and my internship on Wednesday. Needless to say I was a tad overwhelmed for a bit.

But after looking around on a few other blogs, one of them being Flipping with Kirch, and realizing if I'm going to survive this semester and teach my students something I needed to be more organized and thoughtful on my planning. Instead of giving them the titles as we went or a couple at a time where they write them down I decided what I needed to do to help me and help them was pre-fill it for them with the dates and titles of the notes. I also am giving them a quiz online over their notes, this I had done before but didn't tie a grade to it, now they are getting a grade. For this first part of unit 8 there are 3 different notes they have to take so there will be 3 different quizzes in the grade book. I probably won't give them a grade for every one next time, I do an average of the quiz grades for the unit next time or just pick a random quiz to record.

We tested on Unit 7 and we ended up needing 2 days to test, so what I did was section off my room for testers and note takers so they could go ahead and start watching the notes for the next days lesson. It went really well, I had to send some of them in the hall to watch the since not everyone had head phones.  In class today I asked who still needed to complete their notes, and although there were a few in each class there were way fewer around the computers. :) I then had the ones ready for the practice problems categorize their comfort level 1-4. 1) you were completely lost and can't tell me what a base and exponent are. 2) you get it but need a few more examples.  3) I totally get it and I'm good on my own. 4) I know it so well, I can teach it to someone else. I got this idea after seeing a poster in the pictures Crystal Kirch posted on her blog. I started at the 1's with my whiteboard. The day went well! I made it to every table and clarified their confusions. Mostly on the negative exponents.